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Happy Birthday Canada!

Tim Harwill & Friends ~ The Wander Man Revisited

Join me at Edmontons’ Northlands Park for a Canada Day celebration this afternoon between 1 & 5 PM. The schedule calls for a 30-minute solo set at approximately 2:30 by yours’ truly, while the balance of the day features some excellent local & regional bands performing at this all-day & family-friendly event. Here’s hoping the weather helps out & we see you at the show!

I’m headed east after the show at Northlands & we’re looking forward to the first show of ‘The Wander Man Revisits 2011’ tour next Thursday night at Thunder Bay where we hope you’ll drop into Black Pirates for a show starting at 9pm.

Thanks again for checking the calendar here for the latest updates & see you at the show!

-TH, 7/1/2011