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Appearing at National Aboriginal Days in Edmonton this week!

Join me for the celebration of National Aboriginal Days this week at Edmonton, Alberta, where I will be making a pair of solo appearances on stage at the Alberta Legislature grounds. First up this Sunday, June 19, is the NAD Music Festival, an all-day event featuring Aboriginal performers from across the province sponsored by Metis Child & Family Services, where I’m scheduled for a 3pm solo performance. I’m scheduled to follow that up with an appearance next Friday, June 24, at the NAD Concert beginning at 7pm.  I’m very pleased to be invited to celebrate the heritage of our nations’ first peoples, and I hope you’ll join us at one or both of these family-friendly events this week.

Preparations for departure are underway here at Thorsby as another extended tour of the eastern half of our great nation beckons for Koko and myself. Here’s to hoping that you’ll check the calendar and plan to spend an evening with us somewhere in Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, or Newfoundland & Labrador when we pass your way during July and early August as we look forward to catching up with old friends and making some new ones too.

I’m also pleased to deliver a progress update regarding production of the next album and I’m more than pleased to let you know that Alberta tracking has been completed and we’re almost prepared for post-production to begin at Nashville. With the wonderful and talented Jonell Polansky scheduled to mix the latest collection and without letting too many cats out of the bag I’ve been thrilled to once again have the opportunity to work with some of the truly legendary performers in country music, and I’m sure that you’re going to enjoy our work together a great deal once it’s complete and released. Stay tuned for release date and radio information.

As ever thanks always for checking the calendar here and see you at the show!

– TH, 6/17/2011